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eMAR & EHR Tech

Case Study

An eMAR company approached us to take over the marketing efforts as they expanded the eMAR into a full EHR platform. They desired to be a leading provider in their space.
Services: Marketing Consultancy and Strategy, Branding, Web Development, Pharmacy Portal Development, Lead Generation, Social & Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, Competitor Conquesting, Email Marketing


  • Re-branded the eMAR platform to encompass new modules and re-launch as a full EHR
  • Provided up to 140 leads and demo requests per month between Pharmacies and Communities
  • Developed and executed communication email strategies for current customers & prospects
  • Developed a website optimized for lead gen that included a customized pharmacy portal
  • Worked with sales team to improve their closing rates
  • Designed corporate and tradeshow collateral
  • Conquested highest tier competitors. Analyzed their marketing strategies, ads, brand and communication style to ensure we were leveling up their efforts
  • Provided marketing consultancy on a weekly basis that drove strategy and execution

Client Feedback

Company was acquired by the number one competitor in the eMAR/EHR technology space. Estimated acquisition was over $120M.